subroutine, public | gwfnpfmodule::npf_cr (npfobj, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout) |
| Create a new NPF object. Pass a inunit value of 0 if npf data will initialized from memory. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_df (this, dis, xt3d, ingnc, invsc, npf_options) |
| Define the NPF package instance. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_ac (this, moffset, sparse) |
| Add connections for extended neighbors to the sparse matrix. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_mc (this, moffset, matrix_sln) |
| Map connections and construct iax, jax, and idxglox. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_ar (this, ic, vsc, ibound, hnew) |
| Allocate and read this NPF instance. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_rp (this) |
| Read and prepare method for package. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_ad (this, nodes, hold, hnew, irestore) |
| Advance. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_cf (this, kiter, nodes, hnew) |
| Routines associated fill coefficients. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_fc (this, kiter, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs, hnew) |
| Formulate coefficients. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_fn (this, kiter, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs, hnew) |
| Fill newton terms. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_nur (this, neqmod, x, xtemp, dx, inewtonur, dxmax, locmax) |
| Under-relaxation. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_cq (this, hnew, flowja) |
| Calculate flowja. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sgwf_npf_thksat (this, n, hn, thksat) |
| Fractional cell saturation. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sgwf_npf_qcalc (this, n, m, hn, hm, icon, qnm) |
| Flow between two cells. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_save_model_flows (this, flowja, icbcfl, icbcun) |
| Record flowja and calculate specific discharge if requested. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_print_model_flows (this, ibudfl, flowja) |
| Print budget. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::npf_da (this) |
| Deallocate variables. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::allocate_scalars (this) |
| @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::store_original_k_arrays (this, ncells, njas) |
| @ brief Store backup copy of hydraulic conductivity when the VSC package is activate More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::allocate_arrays (this, ncells, njas) |
| Allocate npf arrays. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::log_options (this, found) |
| Log npf options sourced from the input mempath. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::source_options (this) |
| Update simulation options from input mempath. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::set_options (this, options) |
| Set options in the NPF object. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::check_options (this) |
| Check for conflicting NPF options. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::log_griddata (this, found) |
| Write dimensions to list file. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::source_griddata (this) |
| Update simulation griddata from input mempath. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::prepcheck (this) |
| Initialize and check NPF data. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::preprocess_input (this) |
| preprocess the NPF input data More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::calc_condsat (this, node, upperOnly) |
| Calculate CONDSAT array entries for the given node. More...
real(dp) function | gwfnpfmodule::calc_initial_sat (this, n) |
| Calculate initial saturation for the given node. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sgwf_npf_wetdry (this, kiter, hnew) |
| Perform wetting and drying. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::rewet_check (this, kiter, node, hm, ibdm, ihc, hnew, irewet) |
| Determine if a cell should rewet. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sgwf_npf_wdmsg (this, icode, ncnvrt, nodcnvrt, acnvrt, ihdcnv, kiter, n) |
| Print wet/dry message. More...
real(dp) function | gwfnpfmodule::hy_eff (this, n, m, ihc, ipos, vg) |
| Calculate the effective hydraulic conductivity for the n-m connection. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::calc_spdis (this, flowja) |
| Calculate the 3 components of specific discharge at the cell center. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sav_spdis (this, ibinun) |
| Save specific discharge in binary format to ibinun. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::sav_sat (this, ibinun) |
| Save saturation in binary format to ibinun. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::increase_edge_count (this, nedges) |
| Reserve space for nedges cells that have an edge on them. More...
integer(i4b) function | gwfnpfmodule::calc_max_conns (this) |
| Calculate the maximum number of connections for any cell. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::set_edge_properties (this, nodedge, ihcedge, q, area, nx, ny, distance) |
| Provide the npf package with edge properties. More...
subroutine | gwfnpfmodule::prepare_edge_lookup (this) |
real(dp) function | gwfnpfmodule::calcsatthickness (this, n, m, ihc) |
| Calculate saturated thickness between cell n and m. More...