MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
definedmacros Module Reference


integer(i4b) function, public get_os ()
 Get operating system. More...
logical(lgp) function, public is_extended ()
 Determine if this is the extended version. More...
logical(lgp) function, public using_petsc ()
 Determine if using petsc. More...
logical(lgp) function, public using_netcdf ()
 Determine if using netcdf. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_os()

integer(i4b) function, public definedmacros::get_os

Function to get the integer operating system enum value.

ios operating system enum
operating system

Definition at line 16 of file defmacro.F90.

17  ! -- local variables
18  integer(I4B) :: ios !< operating system
19  !
20  ! -- initialize ios
21  ios = osundef
22  !
23  ! -- set operating system variables
24 #ifdef __GFORTRAN__
25 # ifdef __linux__
26  ios = oslinux
27 # endif
28 # ifdef __APPLE__
29  ios = osmac
30 # endif
31 # ifdef _WIN32
32  ios = oswin
33 # endif
34 #endif
35 #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER
36 # ifdef __linux__
37  ios = oslinux
38 # endif
39 # ifdef __APPLE__
40  ios = osmac
41 # endif
42 # ifdef _WIN32
43  ios = oswin
44 # endif
45 #endif
46  !
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_extended()

logical(lgp) function, public definedmacros::is_extended

Function to get a logical indicating if this is the extended version of MODFLOW.

isextended extended version logical
extended version logical

Definition at line 56 of file defmacro.F90.

57  ! -- return variables
58  logical(LGP) :: isextended !< extended version logical
59  ! -- local variables
60  logical(LGP) :: ispetsc
61  logical(LGP) :: isnetcdf
62  !
63  ! -- initialize isextended
64  isextended = .false.
65  !
66  ! -- check if using petsc
67  ispetsc = using_petsc()
68  !
69  ! -- check if using netcf
70  isnetcdf = using_netcdf()
71  !
72  !
73  if (ispetsc .EQV. .true. .OR. isnetcdf .EQV. .true.) then
74  isextended = .true.
75  end if
76  !
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ using_netcdf()

logical(lgp) function, public definedmacros::using_netcdf

Function to get a logical indicating if netcdf is being used.

netcdfused netcdf used logical
netcdf used logical

Definition at line 107 of file defmacro.F90.

108  ! -- return variable
109  logical(LGP) :: netcdfused !< netcdf used logical
110  !
111  ! -- initialize petscavail
112  netcdfused = .false.
113  !
114  ! -- set operating system variables
115 #ifdef __WITH_NETCDF__
116  netcdfused = .true.
117 #endif
118  !
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ using_petsc()

logical(lgp) function, public definedmacros::using_petsc

Function to get a logical indicating if petsc is being used.

petscused petsc used logical
petsc used logical

Definition at line 86 of file defmacro.F90.

87  ! -- return variable
88  logical(LGP) :: petscused !< petsc used logical
89  !
90  ! -- initialize petscavail
91  petscused = .false.
92  !
93  ! -- set operating system variables
94 #ifdef __WITH_PETSC__
95  petscused = .true.
96 #endif
97  !
Here is the caller graph for this function: