MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
mpiroutermodule Module Reference

Data Types

type  mpiroutertype


class(routerbasetype) function, pointer, public create_mpi_router ()
 Factory method to create MPI router. More...
subroutine mr_initialize (this)
subroutine activate (this, models, exchanges)
 Activate models and exchanges for routing. More...
subroutine deactivate (this)
 Deactivate data after routing. More...
subroutine mr_route_all (this, stage)
 This will route all remote data from the global models and exchanges over MPI, for a. More...
subroutine mr_route_sln (this, virtual_sol, stage)
 This will route all remote data from models and exchanges in a particular solution over MPI,. More...
subroutine route_active (this, unit, stage)
 Routes the models and exchanges over MPI, either constructing the message bodies in a sequence of communication steps, or by loading from cache. More...
subroutine compose_messages (this, unit, stage, body_snd_t, body_rcv_t)
 Constructs the message bodies' MPI datatypes. More...
subroutine load_messages (this, unit, stage, body_snd_t, body_rcv_t)
 Load the message body MPI datatypes from cache. More...
subroutine update_senders (this)
subroutine update_receivers (this)
logical(lgp) function is_cached (this, unit, stage)
 Check if this stage is cached. More...
subroutine mr_finalize (this)
subroutine mr_destroy (this)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ activate()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::activate ( class(mpiroutertype this,
type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer  models,
type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer  exchanges 

Definition at line 163 of file MpiRouter.f90.

164  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
165  type(VdcPtrType), dimension(:), pointer :: models
166  type(VdcPtrType), dimension(:), pointer :: exchanges
168  this%rte_models => models
169  this%rte_exchanges => exchanges
170  call this%message_builder%attach_data(models, exchanges)

◆ compose_messages()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::compose_messages ( class(mpiroutertype this,
integer(i4b)  unit,
integer(i4b)  stage,
integer, dimension(:)  body_snd_t,
integer, dimension(:)  body_rcv_t 

Constructs the message bodies' MPI datatypes for a unit (a solution) and a given stage. This is done in a sequence of 6 steps (distributed over 3 phases):

== synchronizing headers (VdcHeaderType) ==

step 1: Receive headers from remote addresses requesting data from virtual data containers (models, exchanges, ...) local to this process step 2: Send headers to remote addresses to indicate for which virtual data containers (models, exchanges, ...) data is requested

== synchronizing maps (VdcReceiverMapsType) ==

step 3: Based on the received headers, receive element maps (which elements are to be sent from a contiguous array) for outgoing data step 4: Send element maps to remote addresses to specify incoming data

== construct message body data types (VirtualDataContainerType) ==

step 5: Construct the message receive body based on the virtual data items in the virtual data containers, and cache

step 6: Construct the message send body, based on received header data and and maps, from the virtual data containers, and cache

Definition at line 376 of file MpiRouter.f90.

377  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
378  integer(I4B) :: unit
379  integer(I4B) :: stage
380  integer, dimension(:) :: body_snd_t
381  integer, dimension(:) :: body_rcv_t
382  ! local
383  integer(I4B) :: i, j, k
384  integer(I4B) :: rnk
385  integer :: ierr
386  ! mpi handles
387  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rcv_req
388  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: snd_req
389  integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: rcv_stat
390  ! message header
391  integer(I4B) :: max_headers
392  type(VdcHeaderType), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: headers
393  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: hdr_rcv_t
394  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: hdr_snd_t
395  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: hdr_rcv_cnt
396  ! maps
397  type(VdcReceiverMapsType), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: rcv_maps
398  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: map_rcv_t
399  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: map_snd_t
401  ! allocate handles
402  allocate (rcv_req(this%receivers%size))
403  allocate (snd_req(this%senders%size))
404  allocate (rcv_stat(mpi_status_size, this%receivers%size))
406  ! init handles
407  rcv_req = mpi_request_null
408  snd_req = mpi_request_null
410  ! allocate header data
411  max_headers = size(this%rte_models) + size(this%rte_exchanges)
412  allocate (hdr_rcv_t(this%receivers%size))
413  allocate (hdr_snd_t(this%senders%size))
414  allocate (headers(max_headers, this%receivers%size))
415  allocate (hdr_rcv_cnt(this%receivers%size))
417  ! allocate map data
418  allocate (map_snd_t(this%senders%size))
419  allocate (map_rcv_t(this%receivers%size))
420  allocate (rcv_maps(max_headers, this%receivers%size)) ! for every header, we potentially need the maps
422  if (this%enable_monitor) then
423  write (this%imon, '(2x,a)') "== communicating headers =="
424  end if
426  ! first receive headers for outward data
427  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
428  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
429  if (this%enable_monitor) then
430  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "Ireceive header from process: ", rnk
431  end if
432  call this%message_builder%create_header_rcv(hdr_rcv_t(i))
433  call mpi_irecv(headers(:, i), max_headers, hdr_rcv_t(i), rnk, stage, &
434  this%mpi_world%comm, rcv_req(i), ierr)
435  call check_mpi(ierr)
436  end do
438  ! send header for incoming data
439  do i = 1, this%senders%size
440  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
441  if (this%enable_monitor) then
442  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "send header to process: ", rnk
443  end if
444  call this%message_builder%create_header_snd(rnk, stage, hdr_snd_t(i))
445  call mpi_isend(mpi_bottom, 1, hdr_snd_t(i), rnk, stage, &
446  this%mpi_world%comm, snd_req(i), ierr)
447  call check_mpi(ierr)
448  end do
450  ! wait for exchange of all headers
451  call g_prof%start("MPI_WaitAll ("//trim(stg_to_str(stage))//")", &
452  this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
453  call mpi_waitall(this%receivers%size, rcv_req, rcv_stat, ierr)
454  call g_prof%stop(this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
455  call check_mpi(ierr)
457  ! reinit handles
458  rcv_req = mpi_request_null
459  snd_req = mpi_request_null
461  ! after WaitAll we can count incoming headers from statuses
462  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
463  call mpi_get_count(rcv_stat(:, i), hdr_rcv_t(i), hdr_rcv_cnt(i), ierr)
465  if (this%enable_monitor) then
466  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
467  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "received headers from process: ", rnk
468  write (this%imon, '(6x,a)') "expecting data for:"
469  do j = 1, hdr_rcv_cnt(i)
470  write (this%imon, '(6x,a,i0,a,a)') "id: ", headers(j, i)%id, &
471  " type: ", trim(vdc_type_to_str(headers(j, i)%container_type))
472  write (this%imon, '(6x,a,99i6)') "map sizes: ", headers(j, i)%map_sizes
473  end do
474  end if
475  end do
477  ! clean up types
478  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
479  call mpi_type_free(hdr_rcv_t(i), ierr)
480  end do
481  do i = 1, this%senders%size
482  call mpi_type_free(hdr_snd_t(i), ierr)
483  end do
485  if (this%enable_monitor) then
486  write (this%imon, '(2x,a)') "== communicating maps =="
487  end if
489  ! allocate space for receiving maps
490  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
491  do j = 1, hdr_rcv_cnt(i)
492  call rcv_maps(j, i)%create(headers(j, i)%map_sizes)
493  end do
494  end do
496  ! receive maps
497  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
498  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
499  if (this%enable_monitor) then
500  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "Ireceive maps from process: ", rnk
501  end if
503  call this%message_builder%create_map_rcv(rcv_maps(:, i), hdr_rcv_cnt(i), &
504  map_rcv_t(i))
505  call mpi_irecv(mpi_bottom, 1, map_rcv_t(i), rnk, stage, &
506  this%mpi_world%comm, rcv_req(i), ierr)
507  call check_mpi(ierr)
508  end do
510  ! send maps
511  do i = 1, this%senders%size
512  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
513  if (this%enable_monitor) then
514  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "send map to process: ", rnk
515  end if
517  call this%message_builder%create_map_snd(rnk, stage, map_snd_t(i))
518  call mpi_isend(mpi_bottom, 1, map_snd_t(i), rnk, stage, &
519  this%mpi_world%comm, snd_req(i), ierr)
520  call check_mpi(ierr)
521  end do
523  ! wait on receiving maps
524  call g_prof%start("MPI_WaitAll ("//trim(stg_to_str(stage))//")", &
525  this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
526  call mpi_waitall(this%receivers%size, rcv_req, rcv_stat, ierr)
527  call g_prof%stop(this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
528  call check_mpi(ierr)
530  ! print maps
531  if (this%enable_monitor) then
532  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
533  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
534  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "received maps from process: ", rnk
535  do j = 1, hdr_rcv_cnt(i)
536  write (this%imon, '(6x,a,i0,a,a)') "id: ", headers(j, i)%id, &
537  " type: ", trim(vdc_type_to_str(headers(j, i)%container_type))
538  do k = 1, nr_vdc_element_maps
539  write (this%imon, '(8x,i0, a,i0)') k, " nr. elements: ", &
540  rcv_maps(j, i)%el_maps(k)%nr_virt_elems
541  if (rcv_maps(j, i)%el_maps(k)%nr_virt_elems > 0) then
542  write (this%imon, '(8x,*(i6))') &
543  rcv_maps(j, i)%el_maps(k)%remote_elem_shift
544  end if
545  end do
546  end do
547  end do
548  end if
550  ! clean up types
551  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
552  call mpi_type_free(map_rcv_t(i), ierr)
553  end do
554  do i = 1, this%senders%size
555  call mpi_type_free(map_snd_t(i), ierr)
556  end do
558  if (this%enable_monitor) then
559  write (this%imon, '(2x,a)') "== composing message bodies =="
560  end if
562  ! construct recv bodies and cache
563  do i = 1, this%senders%size
564  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
565  if (this%enable_monitor) then
566  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "build recv body for process: ", rnk
567  end if
569  call this%message_builder%create_body_rcv(rnk, stage, body_rcv_t(i))
570  call this%msg_cache%put(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_rcv, body_rcv_t(i))
571  end do
573  ! construct send bodies and cache
574  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
575  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
576  if (this%enable_monitor) then
577  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "build send body for process: ", rnk
578  end if
580  call this%message_builder%create_body_snd( &
581  rnk, stage, headers(1:hdr_rcv_cnt(i), i), &
582  rcv_maps(:, i), body_snd_t(i))
583  call this%msg_cache%put(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_snd, body_snd_t(i))
584  end do
586  ! clean up element maps
587  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
588  do j = 1, hdr_rcv_cnt(i)
589  call rcv_maps(j, i)%destroy()
590  end do
591  end do
593  deallocate (rcv_req, snd_req, rcv_stat)
594  deallocate (hdr_rcv_t, hdr_snd_t, hdr_rcv_cnt)
595  deallocate (headers)
596  deallocate (map_rcv_t, map_snd_t)
597  deallocate (rcv_maps)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create_mpi_router()

class(routerbasetype) function, pointer, public mpiroutermodule::create_mpi_router

Definition at line 58 of file MpiRouter.f90.

59  class(RouterBaseType), pointer :: router
60  ! local
61  class(MpiRouterType), pointer :: mpi_router
63  allocate (mpi_router)
64  router => mpi_router
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deactivate()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::deactivate ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 176 of file MpiRouter.f90.

177  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
179  this%rte_models => null()
180  this%rte_exchanges => null()
181  call this%message_builder%release_data()

◆ is_cached()

logical(lgp) function mpiroutermodule::is_cached ( class(mpiroutertype this,
integer(i4b)  unit,
integer(i4b)  stage 

Definition at line 683 of file MpiRouter.f90.

684  use simmodule, only: ustop
685  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
686  integer(I4B) :: unit
687  integer(I4B) :: stage
688  logical(LGP) :: in_cache
689  ! local
690  integer(I4B) :: i, rnk
691  integer(I4B) :: no_cache_cnt
692  integer :: cached_type
694  in_cache = .false.
695  no_cache_cnt = 0
697  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
698  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
699  cached_type = this%msg_cache%get(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_snd)
700  if (cached_type == no_cached_value) no_cache_cnt = no_cache_cnt + 1
701  end do
702  do i = 1, this%senders%size
703  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
704  cached_type = this%msg_cache%get(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_rcv)
705  if (cached_type == no_cached_value) no_cache_cnt = no_cache_cnt + 1
706  end do
708  ! it should be all or nothing
709  if (no_cache_cnt == this%receivers%size + this%senders%size) then
710  in_cache = .false.
711  else if (no_cache_cnt == 0) then
712  in_cache = .true.
713  else
714  call ustop("Internal error: MPI message cache corrupt...")
715  end if
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public ustop(stopmess, ioutlocal)
Stop the simulation.
Definition: Sim.f90:312
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_messages()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::load_messages ( class(mpiroutertype this,
integer(i4b)  unit,
integer(i4b)  stage,
integer, dimension(:), allocatable  body_snd_t,
integer, dimension(:), allocatable  body_rcv_t 

Definition at line 603 of file MpiRouter.f90.

604  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
605  integer(I4B) :: unit
606  integer(I4B) :: stage
607  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: body_snd_t
608  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: body_rcv_t
609  ! local
610  integer(I4B) :: i, rnk
612  if (this%enable_monitor) then
613  write (this%imon, '(2x,a)') "... running from cache ..."
614  end if
616  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
617  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
618  body_snd_t(i) = this%msg_cache%get(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_snd)
619  end do
620  do i = 1, this%senders%size
621  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
622  body_rcv_t(i) = this%msg_cache%get(unit, rnk, stage, mpi_bdy_rcv)
623  end do

◆ mr_destroy()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::mr_destroy ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 726 of file MpiRouter.f90.

727  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
729  call this%msg_cache%destroy()
731  call this%senders%destroy()
732  call this%receivers%destroy()
734  deallocate (this%model_proc_ids)
735  deallocate (this%all_models)
736  deallocate (this%all_exchanges)
738  deallocate (this%tmr_mpi_wait)

◆ mr_finalize()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::mr_finalize ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 719 of file MpiRouter.f90.

720  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
722  call this%msg_cache%clear()

◆ mr_initialize()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::mr_initialize ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 68 of file MpiRouter.f90.

69  use inputoutputmodule, only: getunit
70  use constantsmodule, only: linelength
71  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
72  ! local
73  integer :: ierr
74  integer(I4B) :: i
75  integer(I4B) :: nr_models, nr_exchanges
76  class(VirtualDataContainerType), pointer :: vdc
77  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: monitor_file
79  ! allocate timer handles: global + nr. solutions
80  allocate (this%tmr_mpi_wait(nr_sim_stages, this%nr_virt_solutions + 1))
81  this%tmr_mpi_wait = -1
83  ! routing over all when starting
84  this%halo_activated = .false.
86  ! to log or not to log
87  this%enable_monitor = .false.
89  ! initialize the MPI message builder and cache
90  call this%message_builder%init()
91  call this%msg_cache%init()
93  ! get mpi world for our process
94  this%mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
96  ! init address list
97  call this%senders%init()
98  call this%receivers%init()
100  ! find out where models are
101  nr_models = virtual_model_list%Count()
102  nr_exchanges = virtual_exchange_list%Count()
103  allocate (this%model_proc_ids(nr_models))
104  allocate (this%all_models(nr_models))
105  allocate (this%all_exchanges(nr_exchanges))
107  do i = 1, nr_models
108  vdc => get_vdc_from_list(virtual_model_list, i)
109  this%all_models(i)%ptr => vdc
110  if (vdc%is_local) then
111  this%model_proc_ids(i) = proc_id
112  else
113  this%model_proc_ids(i) = 0
114  end if
115  end do
117  call mpi_allreduce(mpi_in_place, this%model_proc_ids, nr_models, &
118  mpi_integer, mpi_sum, this%mpi_world%comm, ierr)
119  call check_mpi(ierr)
121  ! set the process id to the models and exchanges
122  do i = 1, nr_models
123  vdc => get_vdc_from_list(virtual_model_list, i)
124  call vdc%set_orig_rank(this%model_proc_ids(i))
125  end do
127  do i = 1, nr_exchanges
128  vdc => get_vdc_from_list(virtual_exchange_list, i)
129  this%all_exchanges(i)%ptr => vdc
130  select type (vex => vdc)
131  class is (virtualexchangetype)
132  call vex%set_orig_rank(vex%v_model1%orig_rank)
133  if (vex%v_model1%is_local) then
134  call vex%set_orig_rank(vex%v_model2%orig_rank)
135  end if
136  end select
137  end do
139  ! open log file
140  if (this%enable_monitor) then
141  this%imon = getunit()
142  write (monitor_file, '(a,i0,a)') "mpi.p", proc_id, ".log"
143  open (unit=this%imon, file=monitor_file)
144  call this%message_builder%set_monitor(this%imon)
146  ! write initial info
147  write (this%imon, '(a,/)') ">> initialize MPI Router:"
148  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,i0)') "process id: ", proc_id
149  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,i0)') "nr. of processes: ", nr_procs
150  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,i0)') "nr. of models: ", nr_models
151  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,i0)') "nr. of exchanges: ", nr_exchanges
152  write (this%imon, '(2x,2a)') "model id, processor id:"
153  do i = 1, nr_models
154  write (this%imon, '(4x,2i8)') i, this%model_proc_ids(i)
155  end do
156  write (this%imon, '(a,/)') "<< initialize done"
157  end if
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
integer(i4b), parameter linelength
maximum length of a standard line
Definition: Constants.f90:45
integer(i4b) function, public getunit()
Get a free unit number.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mr_route_all()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::mr_route_all ( class(mpiroutertype this,
integer(i4b)  stage 

Definition at line 188 of file MpiRouter.f90.

190  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
191  integer(I4B) :: stage
193  if (this%enable_monitor) then
194  write (this%imon, '(/,2a)') ">> routing all: ", stg_to_str(stage)
195  end if
197  ! route all
198  call this%activate(this%all_models, this%all_exchanges)
199  call this%route_active(0, stage)
200  call this%deactivate()
202  if (this%enable_monitor) then
203  write (this%imon, '(a,/)') "<< end routing all"
204  !call mem_print_detailed(this%imon)
205  end if
subroutine, public mem_print_detailed(iout)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mr_route_sln()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::mr_route_sln ( class(mpiroutertype this,
type(virtualsolutiontype virtual_sol,
integer(i4b)  stage 

Definition at line 212 of file MpiRouter.f90.

213  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
214  type(VirtualSolutionType) :: virtual_sol
215  integer(I4B) :: stage
217  if (this%enable_monitor) then
218  write (this%imon, '(/,a,i0,2a)') ">> routing solution: ", &
219  virtual_sol%solution_id, ", ", stg_to_str(stage)
220  end if
222  ! route for this solution
223  call this%activate(virtual_sol%models, virtual_sol%exchanges)
224  call this%route_active(virtual_sol%solution_id, stage)
225  call this%deactivate()
227  if (this%enable_monitor) then
228  write (this%imon, '(a)') "<< end routing solution"
229  end if
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ route_active()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::route_active ( class(mpiroutertype this,
integer(i4b)  unit,
integer(i4b)  stage 
thisthis mpi router
unitthe solution id, or equal to 0 when global
stagethe stage to route

Definition at line 237 of file MpiRouter.f90.

238  use simmodule, only: store_error
239  class(MpiRouterType) :: this !< this mpi router
240  integer(I4B) :: unit !< the solution id, or equal to 0 when global
241  integer(I4B) :: stage !< the stage to route
242  ! local
243  integer(I4B) :: i
244  integer(I4B) :: rnk
245  integer :: ierr, msg_size
246  logical(LGP) :: from_cache
247  ! mpi handles
248  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rcv_req
249  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: snd_req
250  integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: rcv_stat
252  ! message body
253  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: body_rcv_t
254  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: body_snd_t
256  ! update address list
257  call this%update_senders()
258  call this%update_receivers()
260  ! allocate body data
261  allocate (body_rcv_t(this%senders%size))
262  allocate (body_snd_t(this%receivers%size))
264  ! allocate handles
265  allocate (rcv_req(this%senders%size))
266  allocate (snd_req(this%receivers%size))
267  allocate (rcv_stat(mpi_status_size, this%senders%size))
269  ! always initialize request handles
270  rcv_req = mpi_request_null
271  snd_req = mpi_request_null
273  if (this%enable_monitor) then
274  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,*(i3))') "process ids sending data: ", &
275  this%senders%get_values()
276  write (this%imon, '(2x,a,*(i3))') "process ids receiving data: ", &
277  this%receivers%get_values()
278  end if
280  ! from cache or build
281  from_cache = this%is_cached(unit, stage)
282  if (.not. from_cache) then
283  call this%compose_messages(unit, stage, body_snd_t, body_rcv_t)
284  else
285  call this%load_messages(unit, stage, body_snd_t, body_rcv_t)
286  end if
288  if (this%enable_monitor) then
289  write (this%imon, '(2x,a)') "== communicating bodies =="
290  end if
292  ! recv bodies
293  do i = 1, this%senders%size
294  rnk = this%senders%at(i)
295  if (this%enable_monitor) then
296  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "receiving from process: ", rnk
297  end if
299  call mpi_type_size(body_rcv_t(i), msg_size, ierr)
300  if (msg_size > 0) then
301  call mpi_irecv(mpi_bottom, 1, body_rcv_t(i), rnk, stage, &
302  this%mpi_world%comm, rcv_req(i), ierr)
303  call check_mpi(ierr)
304  end if
306  if (this%enable_monitor) then
307  write (this%imon, '(6x,a,i0)') "message body size: ", msg_size
308  end if
309  end do
311  ! send bodies
312  do i = 1, this%receivers%size
313  rnk = this%receivers%at(i)
314  if (this%enable_monitor) then
315  write (this%imon, '(4x,a,i0)') "sending to process: ", rnk
316  end if
318  call mpi_type_size(body_snd_t(i), msg_size, ierr)
319  if (msg_size > 0) then
320  call mpi_isend(mpi_bottom, 1, body_snd_t(i), rnk, stage, &
321  this%mpi_world%comm, snd_req(i), ierr)
322  call check_mpi(ierr)
323  end if
325  if (this%enable_monitor) then
326  write (this%imon, '(6x,a,i0)') "message body size: ", msg_size
327  end if
328  call flush (this%imon)
329  end do
331  ! wait for exchange of all messages
332  call g_prof%start("MPI_WaitAll ("//trim(stg_to_str(stage))//")", &
333  this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
334  call mpi_waitall(this%senders%size, rcv_req, rcv_stat, ierr)
335  call g_prof%stop(this%tmr_mpi_wait(stage, unit + 1))
336  call check_mpi(ierr)
338  deallocate (rcv_req, snd_req, rcv_stat)
339  deallocate (body_rcv_t, body_snd_t)
subroutine, public store_error(msg, terminate)
Store an error message.
Definition: Sim.f90:92
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update_receivers()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::update_receivers ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 650 of file MpiRouter.f90.

651  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
652  ! local
653  integer(I4B) :: i, j
654  class(VirtualDataContainerType), pointer :: vdc
656  call this%receivers%clear()
658  if (.not. this%halo_activated) then
659  ! assuming symmetry for now
660  do i = 1, this%senders%size
661  call this%receivers%push_back(this%senders%at(i))
662  end do
663  else
664  ! get the receivers from the VDCs
665  do i = 1, size(this%rte_models)
666  vdc => this%rte_models(i)%ptr
667  do j = 1, vdc%rcv_ranks%size
668  call this%receivers%push_back_unique(vdc%rcv_ranks%at(j))
669  end do
670  end do
671  do i = 1, size(this%rte_exchanges)
672  vdc => this%rte_exchanges(i)%ptr
673  do j = 1, vdc%rcv_ranks%size
674  call this%receivers%push_back_unique(vdc%rcv_ranks%at(j))
675  end do
676  end do
677  end if

◆ update_senders()

subroutine mpiroutermodule::update_senders ( class(mpiroutertype this)

Definition at line 627 of file MpiRouter.f90.

628  class(MpiRouterType) :: this
629  ! local
630  integer(I4B) :: i
631  class(VirtualDataContainerType), pointer :: vdc
633  call this%senders%clear()
635  do i = 1, size(this%rte_models)
636  vdc => this%rte_models(i)%ptr
637  if (.not. vdc%is_local .and. vdc%is_active) then
638  call this%senders%push_back_unique(vdc%orig_rank)
639  end if
640  end do
641  do i = 1, size(this%rte_exchanges)
642  vdc => this%rte_exchanges(i)%ptr
643  if (.not. vdc%is_local .and. vdc%is_active) then
644  call this%senders%push_back_unique(vdc%orig_rank)
645  end if
646  end do