MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
celldefnmodule::celldefntype Type Reference

Base grid cell definition. More...

Collaboration diagram for celldefnmodule::celldefntype:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

procedure, public get_ispv180
 returns 180-degree indicator for a vertex More...
procedure, public get_botflow
 returns bottom flow More...
procedure, public get_topflow
 returns top flow More...
procedure, public get_distflow
 returns distributed flow More...
procedure, public get_faceflow
 returns a face flow More...

Public Attributes

integer(i4b), public icell
 index of cell in source grid More...
logical(lgp), public can_be_rect
 whether cell is representable as a rectangular cell More...
logical(lgp), public can_be_quad
 whether cell is representable as a rectangular quad cell More...
integer(i4b), public npolyverts
 number of vertices for cell polygon More...
real(dp), public porosity
 cell porosity More...
real(dp), public retfactor
 cell retardation factor More...
integer(i4b), public ilay
 layer number More...
integer(i4b), public izone
 cell zone number More...
integer(i4b), public iweaksink
 weak sink indicator More...
integer(i4b), public inoexitface
 no exit face indicator More...
integer(i4b), public iatop
 index of cell top in grid's top/bot arrays (<0 => top array) More...
real(dp), public top
real(dp), public bot
 top and bottom elevations of cell More...
real(dp), public sat
 cell saturation More...
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public polyvert
 vertices for cell polygon More...
logical(lgp), dimension(:), allocatable, public ispv180
 indicator of 180-degree vertices (.true. = 180-degree angle at vertex) More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable, public facenbr
 neighbors that correspond to faces(/vertices) More...
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public faceflow
 flows that correspond to faces(/vertices) More...
real(dp), public distflow
 net distributed flow into cell More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file CellDefn.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_botflow()

procedure, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::get_botflow

Definition at line 32 of file CellDefn.f90.

◆ get_distflow()

procedure, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::get_distflow

Definition at line 34 of file CellDefn.f90.

◆ get_faceflow()

procedure, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::get_faceflow

Definition at line 35 of file CellDefn.f90.

◆ get_ispv180()

procedure, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::get_ispv180

Definition at line 31 of file CellDefn.f90.

◆ get_topflow()

procedure, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::get_topflow

Definition at line 33 of file CellDefn.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bot

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::bot

Definition at line 23 of file CellDefn.f90.

◆ can_be_quad

logical(lgp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::can_be_quad

Definition at line 14 of file CellDefn.f90.

14  logical(LGP), public :: can_be_quad !< whether cell is representable as a rectangular quad cell

◆ can_be_rect

logical(lgp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::can_be_rect

Definition at line 13 of file CellDefn.f90.

13  logical(LGP), public :: can_be_rect !< whether cell is representable as a rectangular cell

◆ distflow

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::distflow

Definition at line 29 of file CellDefn.f90.

29  real(DP), public :: distflow !< net distributed flow into cell

◆ faceflow

real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::faceflow

Definition at line 28 of file CellDefn.f90.

28  real(DP), allocatable, public :: faceflow(:) !< flows that correspond to faces(/vertices)

◆ facenbr

integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::facenbr

Definition at line 27 of file CellDefn.f90.

27  integer(I4B), allocatable, public :: facenbr(:) !< neighbors that correspond to faces(/vertices)

◆ iatop

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::iatop

Definition at line 22 of file CellDefn.f90.

22  integer(I4B), public :: iatop !< index of cell top in grid's top/bot arrays (<0 => top array)

◆ icell

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::icell

Definition at line 12 of file CellDefn.f90.

12  integer(I4B), public :: icell !< index of cell in source grid

◆ ilay

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::ilay

Definition at line 18 of file CellDefn.f90.

18  integer(I4B), public :: ilay !< layer number

◆ inoexitface

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::inoexitface

Definition at line 21 of file CellDefn.f90.

21  integer(I4B), public :: inoexitface !< no exit face indicator

◆ ispv180

logical(lgp), dimension(:), allocatable, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::ispv180

Definition at line 26 of file CellDefn.f90.

26  logical(LGP), allocatable, public :: ispv180(:) !< indicator of 180-degree vertices (.true. = 180-degree angle at vertex)

◆ iweaksink

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::iweaksink

Definition at line 20 of file CellDefn.f90.

20  integer(I4B), public :: iweaksink !< weak sink indicator

◆ izone

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::izone

Definition at line 19 of file CellDefn.f90.

19  integer(I4B), public :: izone !< cell zone number

◆ npolyverts

integer(i4b), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::npolyverts

Definition at line 15 of file CellDefn.f90.

15  integer(I4B), public :: npolyverts !< number of vertices for cell polygon

◆ polyvert

real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::polyvert

Definition at line 25 of file CellDefn.f90.

25  real(DP), allocatable, public :: polyvert(:, :) !< vertices for cell polygon

◆ porosity

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::porosity

Definition at line 16 of file CellDefn.f90.

16  real(DP), public :: porosity !< cell porosity

◆ retfactor

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::retfactor

Definition at line 17 of file CellDefn.f90.

17  real(DP), public :: retfactor !< cell retardation factor

◆ sat

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::sat

Definition at line 24 of file CellDefn.f90.

24  real(DP), public :: sat !< cell saturation

◆ top

real(dp), public celldefnmodule::celldefntype::top

Definition at line 23 of file CellDefn.f90.

23  real(DP), public :: top, bot !< top and bottom elevations of cell

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