MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype Type Reference

Ternary triangular subcell tracking method. More...

Inheritance diagram for methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

procedure, public apply => apply_mst
procedure, public deallocate

Public Attributes

integer(i4b), pointer, public zeromethod
character(len=40), pointer, public name
 method name More...
logical(lgp), public delegates
 whether the method delegates More...
type(prtfmitype), pointer, public fmi => null()
 ptr to fmi More...
class(celltype), pointer, public cell => null()
 ptr to the current cell More...
class(subcelltype), pointer, public subcell => null()
 ptr to the current subcell More...
type(trackcontroltype), pointer, public trackctl => null()
 ptr to track file control More...
type(timeselecttype), pointer, public tracktimes => null()
 ptr to user-defined tracking times More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous izone => null()
 pointer to zone numbers More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous flowja => null()
 pointer to intercell flows More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous porosity => null()
 pointer to aquifer porosity More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous retfactor => null()
 pointer to retardation factor More...

Private Member Functions

procedure, private track_subcell
procedure load
procedure init
procedure track
procedure try_pass

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file MethodSubcellTernary.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ apply()

procedure, public methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype::apply

Definition at line 25 of file MethodSubcellTernary.f90.

◆ deallocate()

procedure, public methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype::deallocate

Definition at line 26 of file MethodSubcellTernary.f90.

◆ init()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::init

Definition at line 51 of file Method.f90.

◆ load()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::load

Definition at line 49 of file Method.f90.

◆ track()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::track

Definition at line 53 of file Method.f90.

◆ track_subcell()

procedure, private methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype::track_subcell

Definition at line 27 of file MethodSubcellTernary.f90.

◆ try_pass()

procedure methodmodule::methodtype::try_pass

Definition at line 54 of file Method.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cell

class(celltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::cell => null()

Definition at line 35 of file Method.f90.

35  class(CellType), pointer, public :: cell => null() !< ptr to the current cell

◆ delegates

logical(lgp), public methodmodule::methodtype::delegates

Definition at line 33 of file Method.f90.

33  logical(LGP), public :: delegates !< whether the method delegates

◆ flowja

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::flowja => null()

Definition at line 40 of file Method.f90.

40  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: flowja => null() !< pointer to intercell flows

◆ fmi

type(prtfmitype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::fmi => null()

Definition at line 34 of file Method.f90.

34  type(PrtFmiType), pointer, public :: fmi => null() !< ptr to fmi

◆ izone

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::izone => null()

Definition at line 39 of file Method.f90.

39  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: izone => null() !< pointer to zone numbers

◆ name

character(len=40), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::name

Definition at line 32 of file Method.f90.

32  character(len=40), pointer, public :: name !< method name

◆ porosity

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::porosity => null()

Definition at line 41 of file Method.f90.

41  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: porosity => null() !< pointer to aquifer porosity

◆ retfactor

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous methodmodule::methodtype::retfactor => null()

Definition at line 42 of file Method.f90.

42  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous, public :: retfactor => null() !< pointer to retardation factor

◆ subcell

class(subcelltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::subcell => null()

Definition at line 36 of file Method.f90.

36  class(SubcellType), pointer, public :: subcell => null() !< ptr to the current subcell

◆ trackctl

type(trackcontroltype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::trackctl => null()

Definition at line 37 of file Method.f90.

37  type(TrackControlType), pointer, public :: trackctl => null() !< ptr to track file control

◆ tracktimes

type(timeselecttype), pointer, public methodmodule::methodtype::tracktimes => null()

Definition at line 38 of file Method.f90.

38  type(TimeSelectType), pointer, public :: tracktimes => null() !< ptr to user-defined tracking times

◆ zeromethod

integer(i4b), pointer, public methodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytype::zeromethod

Definition at line 23 of file MethodSubcellTernary.f90.

23  integer(I4B), public, pointer :: zeromethod

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: