23 integer(I4B),
pointer :: zeromethod
41 method%subcell => subcell
42 method%name => method%subcell%type
43 method%delegates = .false.
49 deallocate (this%name)
56 real(DP),
intent(in) :: tmax
58 select type (subcell => this%subcell)
60 call this%track_subcell(subcell, particle, tmax)
71 real(DP),
intent(in) :: tmax
73 integer(I4B) :: exitFace
123 integer(I4B) :: izstatus
124 integer(I4B) :: itopbotexit
125 integer(I4B) :: ntmax
126 integer(I4B) :: isolv
127 integer(I4B) :: itrifaceenter
128 integer(I4B) :: itrifaceexit
133 integer(I4B) :: reason
137 if (particle%iexmeth == 0)
140 isolv = particle%iexmeth
166 vzbot = subcell%vzbot
167 vztop = subcell%vztop
180 v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y, &
182 rxx, rxy, ryx, ryy, &
184 alp0, bet0, alp1, bet1, alp2, bet2, alpi, beti)
193 zirel = (zi - zbot) / dz
194 if (zirel >
200 az, dtexitz, izstatus, &
205 itrifaceenter = particle%iboundary(3) - 1
206 if (itrifaceenter == -1) itrifaceenter = 999
208 dtexitxy, alpexit, betexit, &
209 itrifaceenter, itrifaceexit, &
210 alp1, bet1, alp2, bet2, alpi, beti)
214 if (itopbotexit == 0 .and. itrifaceexit == 0)
216 particle%advancing = .false.
217 call this%save(particle, reason=3)
225 if (itrifaceexit /= 0)
227 exitface = itrifaceexit
229 else if (dtexitz < dtexitxy .and. dtexitz >= 0.0_dp)
231 if (itopbotexit == -1)
239 particle%advancing = .false.
240 call this%save(particle, reason=3)
243 texit = particle%ttrack + dtexit
250 call this%tracktimes%advance()
251 if (this%tracktimes%any())
252 do i = this%tracktimes%selection(1), this%tracktimes%selection(2)
253 t = this%tracktimes%times(i)
254 if (t < particle%ttrack) cycle
255 if (t >= texit .or. t >= tmax)
258 izstatus, x0, y0, az, vzi, vzbot, &
259 ztop, zbot, zi, x, y, z)
265 call this%save(particle, reason=5)
272 if (texit .gt. tmax)
279 particle%advancing = .false.
289 izstatus, x0, y0, az, vzi, vzbot, &
290 ztop, zbot, zi, x, y, z, exitface)
295 particle%iboundary(3) = exitface
297 call this%save(particle, reason=reason)
308 dt, status, itopbotexit)
330 integer(I4B) :: status
331 integer(I4B) :: itopbotexit
332 logical(LGP) :: noOutflow
338 if (v2a .lt.
dzero) v2a = -v2a
340 if (v1a .lt.
dzero) v1a = -v1a
343 if (dva .lt.
dzero) dva = -dva
348 if ((v2a .lt. tol) .and. (v1a .lt. tol))
360 if (v2a .gt. vv) vv = v2a
362 if (vvv .lt. 1.0d-4)
367 if (v1 .gt. zro)
371 if (v1 .lt. zrom)
383 v = (
done - xl) * v1 + xl * v2
388 if (v1 .lt.
dzero) nooutflow = .false.
389 if (v2 .gt.
dzero) nooutflow = .false.
400 if ((v1 .le.
dzero) .and. (v2 .ge.
401 if (abs(v) .le.
403 if (v2 .le.
dzero) v = -v
413 if (vr .le.
422 if (v1v2 .gt.
423 if (v .gt.
427 if (v .lt.
434 dt = log(abs(vr)) / dvdx
440 izstatus, x0, y0, az, vzi, vzbot, &
441 ztop, zbot, zi, x, y, z, exitFace)
451 integer(I4B) :: izstatus
463 integer(I4B),
optional :: exitFace
465 integer(I4B) :: lexitface
466 real(DP) :: rot(2, 2), res(2), loc(2)
471 if (
482 if (lexitface .eq. 1)
484 else if (lexitface .eq. 2)
486 else if (lexitface .eq. 3)
491 if (lexitface .eq. 4)
493 else if (lexitface .eq. 5)
497 if (izstatus .eq. 2)
500 else if (izstatus .eq. 1)
505 z = zbot + (vzi * dexp(az * dt) - vzbot) / az
511 loc =
skew(loc, (/sxx, sxy, syy/), invert=.true.)
512 rot = reshape((/rxx, rxy, ryx, ryy/), shape(rot))
513 res = matmul(rot, loc)
This module contains simulation constants.
real(dp), parameter dsame
real constant for values that are considered the same based on machine precision
real(dp), parameter dep3
real constant 1000
real(dp), parameter donethird
real constant 1/3
real(dp), parameter dhalf
real constant 1/2
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
real(dp), parameter dtwo
real constant 2
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
subroutine pstop(status, message)
Stop the program, optionally specifying an error status code.
subroutine, public clamp_bary(alpha, beta, gamma, pad)
Clamp barycentric coordinates to the interior of a triangle, with optional padding some minimum dista...
pure real(dp) function, dimension(2), public skew(v, s, invert)
Skew a 2D vector along the x-axis.
This module defines variable data types.
pure logical function, public is_close(a, b, rtol, atol, symmetric)
Check if a real value is approximately equal to another.
Particle tracking strategies.
subroutine track_subcell(this, subcell, particle, tmax)
Track a particle across a triangular subcell.
subroutine apply_mst(this, particle, tmax)
Apply the ternary subcell tracking method.
subroutine, public create_method_subcell_ternary(method)
Create a new ternary subcell tracking method.
subroutine calculate_xyz_position(dt, rxx, rxy, ryx, ryy, sxx, sxy, syy, izstatus, x0, y0, az, vzi, vzbot, ztop, zbot, zi, x, y, z, exitFace)
Calculate the particle's local unscaled xyz coordinates after dt.
subroutine calculate_dt(v1, v2, dx, xL, v, dvdx, dt, status, itopbotexit)
Do calculations related to analytical z solution.
@ term_no_exits_sub
terminated in a subcell with no exit face
subroutine, public create_subcell_tri(subcell)
Create a new triangular subcell.
subroutine, public canonical(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y, xi, yi, rxx, rxy, ryx, ryy, sxx, sxy, syy, alp0, bet0, alp1, bet1, alp2, bet2, alpi, beti)
Set coordinates to "canonical" configuration.
subroutine, public traverse_triangle(isolv, tol, texit, alpexit, betexit, itrifaceenter, itrifaceexit, alp1, bet1, alp2, bet2, alpi, beti)
Traverse triangular cell.
subroutine, public step_analytical(t, alp, bet)
Step (evaluate) analytically depending on case.
Base type for grid cells of a concrete type. Contains a cell-definition which is information shared b...
Base type for particle tracking methods.
Ternary triangular subcell tracking method.
Particle tracked by the PRT model.