MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
idmloadmodule Module Reference

This module contains the IdmLoadModule. More...


subroutine, public idm_df ()
 advance package dynamic data for period steps More...
subroutine, public idm_rp ()
 load package dynamic data for period More...
subroutine, public idm_ad ()
 advance package dynamic data for period steps More...
subroutine, public idm_da (iout)
 idm deallocate routine More...
recursive subroutine input_load (component_type, subcomponent_type, modelname, pkgname, pkgtype, filename, modelfname, nc_vars, iout)
 load an integrated model package from supported source More...
subroutine load_model_pkgs (model_pkg_inputs, iout)
 load integrated model package files More...
subroutine, public load_models (iout)
 load model namfiles and model package files More...
subroutine, public load_exchanges (iout)
 load exchange files More...
subroutine, public simnam_load (paramlog)
 MODFLOW 6 mfsim.nam input load routine. More...
subroutine, public simtdis_load ()
 MODFLOW 6 tdis input load routine. More...
class(modeldynamicpkgstype) function, pointer dynamic_model_pkgs (modeltype, modelname, modelfname, nc_fname, ncid, iout)
 retrieve list of model dynamic loaders More...
subroutine dynamic_da (iout)
 deallocate all model dynamic loader collections More...
integer(i4b) function input_param_log ()
 return sim input context PRINT_INPUT value More...
subroutine simnam_load_dim ()
 load simulation summary info to input context More...
subroutine allocate_simnam_int (input_mempath, idt)
 set sim nam input context default integer value More...
subroutine allocate_simnam_param (input_mempath, idt)
 MODFLOW 6 mfsim.nam parameter allocate and set. More...
subroutine simnam_allocate ()
 MODFLOW 6 mfsim.nam input context parameter allocation. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains routines for managing static and dynamic input loading for supported sources.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ allocate_simnam_int()

subroutine idmloadmodule::allocate_simnam_int ( character(len=lenmempath), intent(in)  input_mempath,
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), intent(in), pointer  idt 

Definition at line 568 of file IdmLoad.f90.

571  character(len=LENMEMPATH), intent(in) :: input_mempath
572  type(InputParamDefinitionType), pointer, intent(in) :: idt
573  integer(I4B), pointer :: intvar
575  ! allocate and set default
576  call mem_allocate(intvar, idt%mf6varname, input_mempath)
578  select case (idt%mf6varname)
579  case ('CONTINUE')
580  intvar = isimcontinue
581  case ('NOCHECK')
582  intvar = isimcheck
583  case ('MAXERRORS')
584  intvar = 1000 !< MessageType max_message
585  case ('MXITER')
586  intvar = 1
587  case ('PRINT_INPUT')
588  intvar = 0
589  case default
590  write (errmsg, '(a,a)') &
591  'Idm SIMNAM Load default value setting '&
592  &'is unhandled for this variable: ', &
593  trim(idt%mf6varname)
594  call store_error(errmsg)
595  call store_error_filename(simfile)
596  end select
This module contains simulation variables.
Definition: SimVariables.f90:9
integer(i4b) isimcheck
simulation input check flag (1) to check input, (0) to ignore checks
integer(i4b) isimcontinue
simulation continue flag (1) to continue if isimcnvg = 0, (0) to terminate
character(len=linelength) simfile
simulation name file
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allocate_simnam_param()

subroutine idmloadmodule::allocate_simnam_param ( character(len=lenmempath), intent(in)  input_mempath,
type(inputparamdefinitiontype), intent(in), pointer  idt 

Definition at line 601 of file IdmLoad.f90.

602  use simvariablesmodule, only: simfile
606  character(len=LENMEMPATH), intent(in) :: input_mempath
607  type(InputParamDefinitionType), pointer, intent(in) :: idt
608  character(len=LINELENGTH), pointer :: cstr
609  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), &
610  pointer, contiguous :: acharstr1d
612  select case (idt_datatype(idt))
613  case ('KEYWORD', 'INTEGER')
614  if (idt%in_record) then
615  ! no-op
616  else
617  ! allocate and set default
618  call allocate_simnam_int(input_mempath, idt)
619  end if
620  case ('STRING')
621  ! did this param originate from sim namfile RECARRAY type
622  if (idt%in_record) then
623  ! allocate 0 size CharacterStringType array
624  call mem_allocate(acharstr1d, linelength, 0, idt%mf6varname, &
625  input_mempath)
626  else
627  ! allocate empty string
628  call mem_allocate(cstr, linelength, idt%mf6varname, input_mempath)
629  cstr = ''
630  end if
631  case ('RECORD')
632  ! no-op
633  case default
634  write (errmsg, '(a,a)') &
635  'IdmLoad allocate simnam param unhandled datatype: ', &
636  trim(idt%datatype)
637  call store_error(errmsg)
638  call store_error_filename(simfile)
639  end select
This module contains the DefinitionSelectModule.
character(len=linelength) function, public idt_datatype(idt)
return input definition type datatype
This class is used to store a single deferred-length character string. It was designed to work in an ...
Definition: CharString.f90:23
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dynamic_da()

subroutine idmloadmodule::dynamic_da ( integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout)

Definition at line 499 of file IdmLoad.f90.

501  use sourceloadmodule, only: nc_close
502  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
503  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: model_dynamic_input
504  integer(I4B) :: n
505  do n = 1, model_dynamic_pkgs%Count()
506  model_dynamic_input => getdynamicmodelfromlist(model_dynamic_pkgs, n)
507  call nc_close(model_dynamic_input%ncid, model_dynamic_input%nc_fname)
508  call model_dynamic_input%destroy()
509  deallocate (model_dynamic_input)
510  nullify (model_dynamic_input)
511  end do
512  call model_dynamic_pkgs%Clear()
This module contains the InputLoadTypeModule.
class(modeldynamicpkgstype) function, pointer, public getdynamicmodelfromlist(list, idx)
get model dynamic packages object from list
This module contains the SourceLoadModule.
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:8
subroutine, public nc_close(ncid, nc_fname)
close an open netcdf file
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:343
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dynamic_model_pkgs()

class(modeldynamicpkgstype) function, pointer idmloadmodule::dynamic_model_pkgs ( character(len=*), intent(in)  modeltype,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modelname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modelfname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  nc_fname,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  ncid,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 463 of file IdmLoad.f90.

466  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modeltype
467  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname
468  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelfname
469  character(len=*), intent(in) :: nc_fname
470  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ncid
471  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
472  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: model_dynamic_input
473  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: temp
474  integer(I4B) :: id
476  ! initialize
477  nullify (model_dynamic_input)
479  ! assign model loader object if found
480  do id = 1, model_dynamic_pkgs%Count()
481  temp => getdynamicmodelfromlist(model_dynamic_pkgs, id)
482  if (temp%modelname == modelname) then
483  model_dynamic_input => temp
484  exit
485  end if
486  end do
488  ! create if not found
489  if (.not. associated(model_dynamic_input)) then
490  allocate (model_dynamic_input)
491  call model_dynamic_input%init(modeltype, modelname, modelfname, &
492  nc_fname, ncid, iout)
493  call adddynamicmodeltolist(model_dynamic_pkgs, model_dynamic_input)
494  end if
subroutine, public adddynamicmodeltolist(list, model_dynamic)
add model dynamic packages object to list
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idm_ad()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::idm_ad

Definition at line 61 of file IdmLoad.f90.

63  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: model_dynamic_input
64  integer(I4B) :: n
65  do n = 1, model_dynamic_pkgs%Count()
66  model_dynamic_input => getdynamicmodelfromlist(model_dynamic_pkgs, n)
67  call model_dynamic_input%ad()
68  end do
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idm_da()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::idm_da ( integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout)

Definition at line 73 of file IdmLoad.f90.

79  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
80  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
81  pointer :: mempaths
82  character(len=LENCOMPONENTNAME) :: exg_comp, exg_subcomp
83  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: input_mempath, mempath
84  integer(I4B) :: n
86  ! deallocate dynamic loaders
87  call dynamic_da(iout)
89  ! deallocate EXG mempaths
90  input_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
91  call mem_setptr(mempaths, 'EXGMEMPATHS', input_mempath)
92  do n = 1, size(mempaths)
93  mempath = mempaths(n)
94  if (mempath /= '') then
95  call split_mem_path(mempath, exg_comp, exg_subcomp)
96  call memorystore_remove(exg_comp, exg_subcomp, idm_context)
97  end if
98  end do
100  ! deallocate input context SIM paths
101  call memorystore_remove('UTL', 'HPC', idm_context)
102  call memorystore_remove('SIM', 'TDIS', idm_context)
103  call memorystore_remove('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
104  call memorystore_remove(component='SIM', context=idm_context)
character(len=lenmempath) function create_mem_path(component, subcomponent, context)
returns the path to the memory object
subroutine split_mem_path(mem_path, component, subcomponent)
Split the memory path into component(s)
subroutine, public memorystore_remove(component, subcomponent, context)
character(len=linelength) idm_context
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idm_df()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::idm_df

Definition at line 37 of file IdmLoad.f90.

39  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: model_dynamic_input
40  integer(I4B) :: n
41  do n = 1, model_dynamic_pkgs%Count()
42  model_dynamic_input => getdynamicmodelfromlist(model_dynamic_pkgs, n)
43  call model_dynamic_input%df()
44  end do
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ idm_rp()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::idm_rp

Definition at line 49 of file IdmLoad.f90.

51  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: model_dynamic_input
52  integer(I4B) :: n
53  do n = 1, model_dynamic_pkgs%Count()
54  model_dynamic_input => getdynamicmodelfromlist(model_dynamic_pkgs, n)
55  call model_dynamic_input%rp()
56  end do
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ input_load()

recursive subroutine idmloadmodule::input_load ( character(len=*), intent(in)  component_type,
character(len=*), intent(in)  subcomponent_type,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modelname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  pkgname,
character(len=*), intent(in)  pkgtype,
character(len=*), intent(in)  filename,
character(len=*), intent(in)  modelfname,
type(ncfilevarstype), intent(in), pointer  nc_vars,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 109 of file IdmLoad.f90.

115  character(len=*), intent(in) :: component_type
116  character(len=*), intent(in) :: subcomponent_type
117  character(len=*), intent(in) :: pkgname
118  character(len=*), intent(in) :: pkgtype
119  character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
120  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname
121  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelfname
122  type(NCFileVarsType), pointer, intent(in) :: nc_vars
123  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
124  class(StaticPkgLoadBaseType), pointer :: static_loader
125  class(DynamicPkgLoadBaseType), pointer :: dynamic_loader
126  class(ModelDynamicPkgsType), pointer :: dynamic_pkgs
127  integer(I4B) :: n
129  ! create model package loader
130  static_loader => &
131  create_input_loader(component_type, subcomponent_type, modelname, pkgname, &
132  pkgtype, filename, modelfname, nc_vars)
134  ! load static input and set dynamic loader
135  dynamic_loader => static_loader%load(iout)
137  if (associated(dynamic_loader)) then
138  ! set pointer to model dynamic packages list
139  dynamic_pkgs => &
140  dynamic_model_pkgs(static_loader%mf6_input%component_type, modelname, &
141  static_loader%component_input_name, nc_vars%nc_fname, &
142  nc_vars%ncid, iout)
143  ! add dynamic pkg loader to list
144  call dynamic_pkgs%add(dynamic_loader)
145  end if
147  ! create subpackage list
148  call static_loader%create_subpkg_list()
150  ! load idm integrated subpackages
151  do n = 1, static_loader%subpkg_list%pnum
152  ! load subpackage
153  call input_load(static_loader%subpkg_list%component_types(n), &
154  static_loader%subpkg_list%subcomponent_types(n), &
155  static_loader%mf6_input%component_name, &
156  static_loader%subpkg_list%subcomponent_types(n), &
157  static_loader%subpkg_list%pkgtypes(n), &
158  static_loader%subpkg_list%filenames(n), &
159  modelfname, nc_vars, iout)
160  end do
162  ! cleanup
163  call static_loader%destroy()
164  deallocate (static_loader)
This module contains the ModelPackageInputsModule.
This module contains the NCFileVarsModule.
Definition: NCFileVars.f90:7
class(staticpkgloadbasetype) function, pointer, public create_input_loader(component_type, subcomponent_type, component_name, subcomponent_name, input_type, input_fname, component_fname, nc_vars)
factory function to create and setup model package static loader
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:37
derived type for model package inputs type
Type describing modflow6 input variables in model NetCDF file.
Definition: NCFileVars.f90:48
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ input_param_log()

integer(i4b) function idmloadmodule::input_param_log

Definition at line 517 of file IdmLoad.f90.

521  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: simnam_mempath
522  integer(I4B) :: paramlog
523  integer(I4B), pointer :: p
524  ! read and set input value of PRINT_INPUT
525  simnam_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
526  call mem_setptr(p, 'PRINT_INPUT', simnam_mempath)
527  paramlog = p
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_exchanges()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::load_exchanges ( integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout)

Definition at line 283 of file IdmLoad.f90.

293  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
294  type(DistributedSimType), pointer :: ds
295  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer :: model_loadmask
296  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
297  pointer :: etypes !< exg types
298  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
299  pointer :: efiles !< exg file names
300  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
301  pointer :: emnames_a !< model a names
302  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
303  pointer :: emnames_b !< model b names
304  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
305  pointer :: emempaths !< exg mempaths
306  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
307  pointer :: mtypes !< model types
308  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
309  pointer :: mfnames !< model file names
310  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
311  pointer :: mnames !< model names
312  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: input_mempath, mempath
313  integer(I4B), pointer :: exgid, ncelldim
314  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: exgtype, efname, mfname
315  character(len=LENMODELNAME) :: mname1, mname2, mname
316  character(len=LENCOMPONENTNAME) :: sc_type, sc_name, mtype
317  class(StaticPkgLoadBaseType), pointer :: static_loader
318  class(DynamicPkgLoadBaseType), pointer :: dynamic_loader
319  integer(I4B) :: n, m1_idx, m2_idx, irem, isize
321  ! get model mask
322  ds => get_dsim()
323  model_loadmask => ds%get_load_mask()
325  ! set input memory path
326  input_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
328  ! set pointers to input context exg and model attribute arrays
329  call mem_setptr(etypes, 'EXGTYPE', input_mempath)
330  call mem_setptr(efiles, 'EXGFILE', input_mempath)
331  call mem_setptr(emnames_a, 'EXGMNAMEA', input_mempath)
332  call mem_setptr(emnames_b, 'EXGMNAMEB', input_mempath)
333  call mem_setptr(mtypes, 'MTYPE', input_mempath)
334  call mem_setptr(mfnames, 'MFNAME', input_mempath)
335  call mem_setptr(mnames, 'MNAME', input_mempath)
337  ! allocate mempaths array for exchanges
338  call mem_allocate(emempaths, lenmempath, size(etypes), 'EXGMEMPATHS', &
339  input_mempath)
341  ! load exchanges for local models
342  do n = 1, size(etypes)
343  ! attributes for this exchange
344  exgtype = etypes(n)
345  efname = efiles(n)
346  call inlen_check(emnames_a(n), mname1, lenmodelname, 'MODELNAME')
347  call inlen_check(emnames_b(n), mname2, lenmodelname, 'MODELNAME')
349  ! initialize mempath as no path
350  emempaths(n) = ''
351  irem = 0
353  ! set indexes for exchange model names
354  m1_idx = ifind_charstr(mnames, mname1)
355  m2_idx = ifind_charstr(mnames, mname2)
357  if (m1_idx <= 0 .or. m2_idx <= 0) then
358  errmsg = 'Exchange has invalid (unrecognized) model name(s):'
359  if (m1_idx <= 0) errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' '//trim(mname1)
360  if (m2_idx <= 0) errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' '//trim(mname2)
361  call store_error(errmsg)
362  end if
364  ! terminate if errors were detected
365  if (count_errors() > 0) then
366  call store_error_filename(simfile)
367  end if
369  ! load the exchange input if either model local
370  if (model_loadmask(m1_idx) > 0 .or. model_loadmask(m2_idx) > 0) then
371  ! set index if either model is remote
372  if (model_loadmask(m1_idx) == 0) then
373  irem = m1_idx
374  else if (model_loadmask(m2_idx) == 0) then
375  irem = m2_idx
376  end if
378  ! allocate and set remote model NCELLDIM
379  if (irem > 0) then
380  mtype = mtypes(irem)
381  mfname = mfnames(irem)
382  mname = mnames(irem)
383  mempath = create_mem_path(component=mname, context=idm_context)
384  call get_isize('NCELLDIM', mempath, isize)
385  if (isize < 0) then
386  call mem_allocate(ncelldim, 'NCELLDIM', mempath)
387  ncelldim = remote_model_ndim(mtype, mfname)
388  else
389  call mem_setptr(ncelldim, 'NCELLDIM', mempath)
390  end if
391  else
392  nullify (ncelldim)
393  end if
395  ! set subcomponent strings
396  sc_type = trim(idm_subcomponent_type('EXG', exgtype))
397  write (sc_name, '(a,i0)') trim(sc_type)//'_', n
399  ! create and set exchange mempath
400  mempath = create_mem_path('EXG', sc_name, idm_context)
401  emempaths(n) = mempath
403  ! allocate and set exgid
404  call mem_allocate(exgid, 'EXGID', mempath)
405  exgid = n
407  ! create exchange loader
408  static_loader => create_input_loader('EXG', sc_type, 'EXG', sc_name, &
409  exgtype, efname, simfile)
410  ! load static input
411  dynamic_loader => static_loader%load(iout)
413  if (associated(dynamic_loader)) then
414  errmsg = 'IDM unimplemented. Dynamic Exchanges not supported.'
415  call store_error(errmsg)
416  call store_error_filename(efname)
417  else
418  call static_loader%destroy()
419  deallocate (static_loader)
420  end if
421  end if
422  end do
424  ! clean up temporary NCELLDIM for remote models
425  do n = 1, size(mnames)
426  if (model_loadmask(n) == 0) then
427  mname = mnames(n)
428  mempath = create_mem_path(component=mname, context=idm_context)
429  call get_isize('NCELLDIM', mempath, isize)
430  if (isize > 0) then
431  call mem_setptr(ncelldim, 'NCELLDIM', mempath)
432  call mem_deallocate(ncelldim)
433  end if
434  end if
435  end do
class(distributedsimtype) function, pointer, public get_dsim()
Get pointer to the distributed simulation object.
subroutine, public get_isize(name, mem_path, isize)
@ brief Get the number of elements for this variable
This module contains the SourceCommonModule.
Definition: SourceCommon.f90:7
character(len=lencomponentname) function, public idm_subcomponent_type(component, subcomponent)
component from package or model type
subroutine, public inlen_check(input_name, mf6_name, maxlen, name_type)
store an error for input exceeding internal name length
integer(i4b) function, public ifind_charstr(array, str)
integer(i4b) function, public remote_model_ndim(mtype, mfname)
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:225
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_model_pkgs()

subroutine idmloadmodule::load_model_pkgs ( type(modelpackageinputstype), intent(inout)  model_pkg_inputs,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout 

Definition at line 169 of file IdmLoad.f90.

174  type(ModelPackageInputsType), intent(inout) :: model_pkg_inputs
175  integer(i4B), intent(in) :: iout
176  type(NCFileVarsType), pointer :: nc_vars
177  integer(I4B) :: itype, ipkg
179  nc_vars => netcdf_context(model_pkg_inputs%modeltype, &
180  model_pkg_inputs%component_type, &
181  model_pkg_inputs%modelname, &
182  model_pkg_inputs%modelfname, iout)
183  ! load package instances by type
184  do itype = 1, size(model_pkg_inputs%pkglist)
185  ! load package instances
186  do ipkg = 1, model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%pnum
187  if (idm_integrated(model_pkg_inputs%component_type, &
188  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%subcomponent_type)) &
189  then
190  ! only load if model pkg can read from input context
191  call input_load(model_pkg_inputs%component_type, &
192  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%subcomponent_type, &
193  model_pkg_inputs%modelname, &
194  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%pkgnames(ipkg), &
195  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%pkgtype, &
196  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%filenames(ipkg), &
197  model_pkg_inputs%modelfname, nc_vars, iout)
198  else
199  ! open input file for package parser
200  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%inunits(ipkg) = &
201  open_source_file(model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%pkgtype, &
202  model_pkg_inputs%pkglist(itype)%filenames(ipkg), &
203  model_pkg_inputs%modelfname, iout)
204  end if
205  end do
206  end do
208  ! cleanup
209  call nc_vars%destroy()
210  deallocate (nc_vars)
211  nullify (nc_vars)
logical function, public idm_integrated(component, subcomponent)
integer(i4b) function, public open_source_file(pkgtype, filename, modelfname, iout)
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:102
type(ncfilevarstype) function, pointer, public netcdf_context(modeltype, component_type, modelname, modelfname, iout)
create model netcdf context
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:359
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_models()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::load_models ( integer(i4b), intent(in)  iout)

Definition at line 216 of file IdmLoad.f90.

225  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
226  type(DistributedSimType), pointer :: ds
227  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer :: model_loadmask
228  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: input_mempath
229  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
230  pointer :: mtypes !< model types
231  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
232  pointer :: mfnames !< model file names
233  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
234  pointer :: mnames !< model names
235  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: mtype, mfname
236  character(len=LENMODELNAME) :: mname
237  type(ModelPackageInputsType), allocatable :: model_pkg_inputs
238  integer(I4B) :: n
240  ! get model mask
241  ds => get_dsim()
242  model_loadmask => ds%get_load_mask()
244  ! set input memory path
245  input_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
247  ! set pointers to input context model attribute arrays
248  call mem_setptr(mtypes, 'MTYPE', input_mempath)
249  call mem_setptr(mfnames, 'MFNAME', input_mempath)
250  call mem_setptr(mnames, 'MNAME', input_mempath)
252  do n = 1, size(mtypes)
253  ! attributes for this model
254  mtype = mtypes(n)
255  mfname = mfnames(n)
256  call inlen_check(mnames(n), mname, lenmodelname, 'MODELNAME')
258  ! terminate if errors were detected
259  if (count_errors() > 0) then
260  call store_error_filename(simfile)
261  end if
263  ! load specified model inputs
264  if (model_loadmask(n) > 0) then
265  ! load model nam file
266  call load_modelnam(mtype, mfname, mname, iout)
267  ! create description of model packages
268  allocate (model_pkg_inputs)
269  call model_pkg_inputs%init(mtype, mfname, mname, iout)
270  ! load packages
271  call load_model_pkgs(model_pkg_inputs, iout)
272  ! publish pkg info to input context
273  call model_pkg_inputs%memload()
274  ! cleanup
275  call model_pkg_inputs%destroy()
276  deallocate (model_pkg_inputs)
277  end if
278  end do
character(len=lencomponentname) function, public idm_component_type(component)
component from package or model type
subroutine, public load_modelnam(mtype, mfname, mname, iout)
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:125
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simnam_allocate()

subroutine idmloadmodule::simnam_allocate

Definition at line 644 of file IdmLoad.f90.

649  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: input_mempath
650  type(ModflowInputType) :: mf6_input
651  type(InputParamDefinitionType), pointer :: idt
652  integer(I4B) :: iparam, isize
654  ! set memory path
655  input_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
656  ! create description of input
657  mf6_input = getmodflowinput('NAM6', 'SIM', 'NAM', 'SIM', 'NAM')
659  ! allocate sim namfile parameters if not in input context
660  do iparam = 1, size(mf6_input%param_dfns)
661  ! assign param definition pointer
662  idt => mf6_input%param_dfns(iparam)
663  ! check if variable is already allocated
664  call get_isize(idt%mf6varname, input_mempath, isize)
665  if (isize < 0) then
666  ! allocate and set parameter
667  call allocate_simnam_param(input_mempath, idt)
668  end if
669  end do
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simnam_load()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::simnam_load ( integer(i4b), intent(inout)  paramlog)

Definition at line 440 of file IdmLoad.f90.

441  use sourceloadmodule, only: load_simnam
442  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: paramlog
443  ! load sim nam file
444  call load_simnam()
445  ! allocate any unallocated simnam params
446  call simnam_allocate()
447  ! read and set input parameter logging keyword
448  paramlog = input_param_log()
449  ! memload summary info
450  call simnam_load_dim()
subroutine, public load_simnam()
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:149
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simnam_load_dim()

subroutine idmloadmodule::simnam_load_dim

Definition at line 532 of file IdmLoad.f90.

537  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: sim_mempath, simnam_mempath
538  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
539  pointer :: mtypes !< model types
540  type(CharacterStringType), dimension(:), contiguous, &
541  pointer :: etypes !< model types
542  integer(I4B), pointer :: nummodels
543  integer(I4B), pointer :: numexchanges
545  ! initialize
546  nullify (nummodels)
547  nullify (numexchanges)
549  ! set memory paths
550  sim_mempath = create_mem_path(component='SIM', context=idm_context)
551  simnam_mempath = create_mem_path('SIM', 'NAM', idm_context)
553  ! set pointers to loaded simnam arrays
554  call mem_setptr(mtypes, 'MTYPE', simnam_mempath)
555  call mem_setptr(etypes, 'EXGTYPE', simnam_mempath)
557  ! allocate variables
558  call mem_allocate(nummodels, 'NUMMODELS', sim_mempath)
559  call mem_allocate(numexchanges, 'NUMEXCHANGES', sim_mempath)
561  ! set values
562  nummodels = size(mtypes)
563  numexchanges = size(etypes)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simtdis_load()

subroutine, public idmloadmodule::simtdis_load

Definition at line 455 of file IdmLoad.f90.

456  use sourceloadmodule, only: load_simtdis
457  ! load sim tdis file
458  call load_simtdis()
subroutine, public load_simtdis()
Definition: SourceLoad.F90:181
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: